Page 11 - ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 29
P. 11

Σελίδα 10

THANKSGIVING DAY: It is a national holiday in the USA, which is

celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. The first Thanksgiving was not a
holiday but a gathering so as to enjoy the bountiful harvest. The feast lasted
three days. Nowadays, it is a time characterized with lots of fun, gifts and
family feasting. It is a day to thank not only God but also your family and
friends for their long-lasting support and care.
Many people believe Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the USA. In fact, it is
also celebrated in Canada, but usually a month earlier in October. While the
Americans celebrated what is believed to be their first proper Thanksgiving in
1621, in Canada it started in 1578 when a gentleman named Martin Frobisher
held a Thanksgiving celebration to praise God for his safe passage from Eng-
land to Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated with a turkey dinner, but the very
first incarnations of the holiday did not include this now integral part. The first
Thanksgiving dinners included deer, venison and even lobster and oysters. This
is because these foods - whilst considered luxuries by us today – were more
plentiful and cost less at that time.

                                                    Peter Bouris, B’ Class of High School
                                                    George, Sarlis, B’ Class of High School
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